Listen now | "Magnesium is the ambassador of the sun, bridging the plants and the sun to birth the entire food chain for life through photosynthesis. Making magnesium the most magnanimous, majestic, magical, Magdalene, magnetic energy to birth life. As the sun goes through the 12 houses on the zodiac, it’s no coincidence that magnesium is number 12 on the periodic table, bringing life to the 12 meridians to light up the 12 cranial nerves to radiate the 12 organ systems with the magnetism of magnesium bringing life to every trillion billion cells in our body." - Dr. Selig
Chasing minerals is difficult, which is why so many of us like the food template that comes from what Dr Peat researched, to get them from food. I gained more insight into what Dr Selig spoke to as far as using homeopathic remedies when I read several books by Dr. George Cary, (available online at about the Cell Salts. Great podcast!
Chasing minerals is difficult, which is why so many of us like the food template that comes from what Dr Peat researched, to get them from food. I gained more insight into what Dr Selig spoke to as far as using homeopathic remedies when I read several books by Dr. George Cary, (available online at about the Cell Salts. Great podcast!